lauantai 13. maaliskuuta 2010

Visions of Eurovision: Part I - Norway

Alright. Let's get this over with. I promised a series, that'll feature the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 candidates from each and every country that takes part in it. The language I'm going to use is - as seen here - English. To be honest...I'm not really so excited about the ESC this year. Why? Well...I've been listening to a few songs from different countries and most of them are extremely boring. We, ladies and gentlemen, are going to have a Balladvision this year. I highly doubt it is because of the new way the points are given. There will be a panel of judges, who give away some of the points to the song they think is the best and thus we get a nice set of mostly boring ballads. The new rule might have been a good idea and I for one hoped that it would bring the Eurovision back on track. I hoped it would decrease the favoring of the beloved neighbour and bring some real talent and real music in the ESC. I was wrong. All it did was make all the countries vote for songs they think might win the judges over to their side and this is exactly why we have a bunch of wannabe beautiful and emotional ballads instead of something joyful, something beautiful, something exotic or something new. Like back in the old days.

Anyways. The structure of VoE will be the following: first I'm going to let you listen to the actual song and if I can find a nice video with the performance as well, that's what you'll get. Then it's time for me to give you the name of the artist plus, of course, the name of the song. Following the little headline with the important names will come the fun part. This is where I will either praise or trash the song completely. I will give my opinion (note that it is only my opinion, not the truth, so feel free to disagree) on the actual song, the lyrics, the performance (this includes the fun stuff on stage and the dancing and the usage of camera ankles etc.), clothes of the participants, talent (can the singer really sing), background (the screen behind the stage and the design in it). Last but not least I shall write a few other comments if needed and give the overall points (with the maximum of 12) to the whole package. In the second part of VoE, I shall give you one or two videos of my favourite or least favourite song the featured country has sent to the ESC within the years 2003-2009. Now let's begin!


ESC 2010 - Norway - Didrik Solli-Tangen: My heart is yours

Song: Very basic. Almost boring. Though when given, that many other countries have chosen ballads this year too, I have to give at least some credit for Norway for picking a song, that at least somehow sounds beautiful. It's a very emotional song, which is a bonus when trying to convince people to vote. Also, when you listen to the song a few times, you kinda start liking it. The melody sticks to your head for a while and you find yourself humming when listening to it. It reminds me a little bit of Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, even though it can never - not in a million years - make such a strong impact on the listener as the beautiful theme of Titanic. As a matter of fact, this song could well be in some Disney animated film, even though it isn't as good as the real Disney songs.

Lyrics: All about love. Ah the fluffyness. They are definitely trying to get votes with the theme. I mean, the language of love is universal. We all know the concept of love even though some of us haven't felt it yet. Most of us feel warm inside when listening to a nice and powerful love song, which basically says that if you truly love someone, you'll find a way to overcome all obstacles in life and everything is just beautiful and wonderful and idyllic. Bollocks, say I! It's complete and utter nonsense. There are way better love songs than this one so don't bother to vote if you vote a song because of the message it tries to convey. This one lies to you.

Performance: Boring. It is just plain boring. Okay, whippie, the dude walks around and there is a dude and some chicks playing a violin. Nothing special. I myself don't even feel the song. I'm sorry, Didrik, but you just can't convey any feelings in your performance. You are dull, plain and boring. Though he seems to get his groove on in the very end of the song, at 2:02 and just let's it go. That is the way to sing a love song. You need to show the audience how much you care about what you are singing, even if you don't feel that way yourself. You need to convince us. I have to give some credit to the guy directing it too. The circling camera is a cliché, but a very good one.

Clothing: Nothing special.

Talent: In the very beginning he delivers his first lines like a ninth grader during a singing test. His voice is, at least to my ear, too weak and I'm not even quite sure if he hits the note perfectly.

Background: Fireworks ftw! Other than that...again: nothing special.

Other comments: -

Overall: Given that this is one of the best ballads this year...well...let's give it a...hmm... 8/12. I might've given it a 7, but that's only one point more than half of the points so I thought this deserves just a little bit more than that.

Two of my favourite songs from Norway:
Wig Wam / In my dreams / 2005
Christine Guldbrandsen / Alvedansen / 2006

perjantai 12. maaliskuuta 2010

I hate my life!


The pain of living.

Life has no meaning anymore, does it?
My friends hate me and see me as a selfish bitch.
The pain in my own life is killing me, it really is.
Sometimes I just wish I was dead.
Now wouldn't that be the happy ending?
Why do they feel the need to hurt me?
Do they enjoy seeing me suffer from something they've said?
These are just my thoughts - of course - but still I know that I have to put and end to this.
I shall do it. I shall die with a smile on my face.
"Goodbye", I shall say to the cruel world.
"I'm sorry.", I shall silently whisper to my family.
But to my friends... them I shall say - with a tiny smirk on my face:
"Are you happy now?"
This...shall be the end of it all.


Kuulostaako ärsyttävältä? No niin minustakin. Tuli tässä eilen selailtua hieman erinäisiä blogeja sattumanvaraista hakua hyödyntäen ja arvatkaapa mitä...Suurin osa blogeista, jotka eteen kävelivät, kuuluivat 12-16 -vuotiaille tytöille ja sisältö oli enemmän tai vähemmän valitusta siitä samasta sonnasta, mitä jokaisen elämään joskus kuuluu. Mutta käsittelivätkö nämä yksilöt tätä asiaa järkevästi? Tarkkailivatko he tapahtuneen kaikkia puolia vai mitä? Eehei. Eivät todellakaan. (Eihän heiltä liikaa voi vaatia.)

Kerta kerran jälkeen sain lukea yhä enemmän yllä olevan kirjoituksen kaltaista p*skaa. Monet vieläpä olivat niin neroja, että kirjoittivat lyricsejä ja runoja omista elämän suurista kärsimyksistään. Ah ja voi miten elämä juuri nyt kolhii minua. Kaikki viuttaa ja mieli tekisi huutaa jokaiselle vastaan tulevalle ja voi nyyh itku, parku ja vonku, kun mun elämä just nyt kusee enemmän kuin kenenkään muun. Voiko tuota ottaa vakavasti? Jos vastasit pyöräyttämällä silmiäsi, olet aivan oikeassa: ei voi. Kymmenen pistettä ja papukaijamerkki!

Yksi tapaus oli todellinen tyhmyyden huippu. Valitti ensimmäisessä kappaleessaan siitä, miten paineet koulussa kasvaa...miten haluaa pärjätä ja olla huippu ja heti seuraavassa kiroili, että "v***uku pitäis lukee kemman ja ussan kokeisii mutku ei v***u jaksa". Päteeköhän tähän sanonta, että sitä saa mitä tilaa? ei ole sopiva, vaan pikemminkin: jokainen on oman onnensa seppä. Jos pärjäät huonosti koulussa ja stressi pärjäämisestä kasvaa niin kannattaisikohan vilkaista peiliin ja etsiä sitä vikaa sieltä sitten? Tai vielä parempi neuvo: ota se kirja käteen ja lue. Ei se tieto sinne päähän ihan ilmasta siirry vai luulikohan kyseinen yksilö, että merlin tulee tekemään taikojaan heti, kun tyttö on valittanut sydämensä pohjasta nettimaailmalle? Ha-ha.


Raaka todellisuushan on, että yhä useampi nuori tuntee olonsa stressaantuneeksi ja kärsii ties mistä mielenterveyshäiriöstä (pakko tosin kommentoida, että randomeja blogeja selatessa bulimia ja bipolaarinen mielialahäiriö näyttäisivät olevan yleisimpiä). Mutta tämän vuoksi kysymys kuuluukin, johtuuko tämä lisääntyneestä työstä vai ovatko peruskouluikäiset nykyään vain huonosti kasvatettuja ja laiskoja. Kallistuisin jälkimmäisen puoleen. Selvisinhän minäkin peruskoulusta ja lukiosta. Stressiä oli, mutta se kuuluu asiaan. Nyt lääkiksen pääsykokeeseen lukiessa on kyllä taas muistanut sen yksinkertaisen faktan, että asiat eivät valmistu itsekseen. Jos jotain haluaa oppia, pitää sen eteen myös tehdä asianmukainen työ, joka puolestaan on toisilla enemmän ja toisilla vähemmän. Tavoite on kuitenkin työn määrästä riippumatta sama: sisäistää tärkeät asiat, jotta niitä voi myöhemmin hyödyntää.

Over and out.

P.S. Pointsit sille, joka tietää, mistä tuon pikaisesti kyhätyn "valitusvirren" ensimmäinen lause on!